Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"You're Too Picky"

As I tell the stories of my recent escapades with boys from around the lovely state of North Carolina, there is always a listed reason as to why it wouldn't work.

1. "He's too short"
2. "He doesn't make me laugh"
3. "He has bad hair"
4. "He is a bad kisser"
5. "He's too clingy"
6. "He doesn't have a car"
7. "He doesn't like to do outdoors stuff"

And the list goes on and on.

The dating world is definitely a new one for me and being a single woman is quite a transition. I have no idea what I am doing but I am putting one foot forward at a time. I am beginning to look at each new day as an opportunity and a possible learning experience, figuring out who I am and how to be happy with just myself.
So, you say too picky, I say not settling. Self worth is about knowing what you deserve and I know that I deserve the best.

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